NMLS #2159035


All Money Transmission payments and offerings of stored value are processed by Inmar Services, LLC which is licensed as a money transmitter in the U.S. jurisdictions listed below. If you have a question or complaint about our services, please send an email to

Jurisdiction License Number Type of License/Statute Licensed By
Alabama 891 Sale of Checks/Sale of Checks Act Alabama Securities Commission
Alaska AKMT-017091 Money Transmission/Alaska Uniform Money Services Act Division of Banking and Securities Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development
For Alaska Residents Only:
If your issue is unresolved by Inmar Services, LLC please submit formal complaints with the State of Alaska, Division of Banking & Securities.
Formal complaints must be in writing. Please download this form.
Formal complaint forms may be submitted via:
Fax: 907-465-1230
Mail: Division of Banking & Securities PO Box 110807 Juneau, AK 99811-0807
If you have questions regarding formal complaints, please call 907-465-2521
Arizona 1039730 Transmitter of Money/Transmitters of Money Act Department of Financial Institutions
Arkansas 128927 Money Transmission/Arkansas Uniform Money Services Act Securities Department
Connecticut Mt-2159035 Money Transmitter/Money Transmission Act Department of Banking
District of Columbia MTR2159035 Money Transmission/Money Transmitter Act Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking, Banking Bureau
Delaware 038471 Transmission of Money/Sale of Checks and Transmission of Money Act Office of the State Bank Commissioner
Florida FT230000442 Money Transmission/Money Services Business Act Office of Financial Regulation, Division of Finance, Money Services Businesses
Florida residents may contact the Florida Office of Financial Regulation with questions or complaints about Inmar Services, LLC. at 200 E. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0376, phone: (800) 848-3792 (toll-free).
Georgia 2159035 Money Transmission/Sale of Checks or Money Orders Act Department of Banking and Finance
Idaho MTL-310 Money Transmitter/Money Transmitters Act Department of Finance, Securities Bureau
Illinois MT.0000431 Transmitter of Money/Transmitters of Money Act Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Financial Institutions
Illinois residents may contact the Illinois Department of Financial Institutions, Consumer Credit Section with questions or complaints about Inmar Services, LLC at (888) 298-8089 (toll-free).
Indiana 62920 Money Transmitter/Money Transmitter Act Department of Financial Institutions
Iowa 2021-0234 Money Services/Iowa Uniform Money Services Act Division of Banking
Kansas MT.0000210 Money Transmitter/Kansas Money Transmitters Act Office of the State Bank Commissioner
Kentucky SC772042 Money Transmitter/Kentucky Money Transmitters Act of 2006 Department of Financial Institutions
Louisiana NMLS 2159035 Transmission/Sale of Checks and Money Transmission Act Office of Financial Institutions
Maine NMLS 2159035 Money Transmission/Money Transmitters Act Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection
Maryland NMLS 2159035 Money Transmission/Money Transmission Act Commissioner of Financial Regulation
The Commissioner of Financial Regulation for the State of Maryland will accept all questions or complaints from Maryland residents regarding Inmar Services, LLC at 1100 North Eutaw Street, Suite 611 Baltimore, MD 21201, phone (888) 784-0136 (toll-free).
Michigan MT0024082 Money Transmission Services/Money Transmission Services Act Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth, Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation
Minnesota MN-MT-2159035 Money Transmitter/ Minnesota Money Transmitters Act Department of Commerce, Division of Financial Examinations
For Minnesota residents, if you are sending money to someone you do not know; or are responding to an Internet, phone or other offer that you are not sure is honest; or if you are sending money on a promise of receiving a large amount of money, winning a lottery or prize, or receiving a credit card or a loan, you may be a victim of a fraudulent scheme.

If so, do not make this transfer or please request that we stop this transfer immediately, by emailing us at If your transfer has not yet been claimed by a recipient, it will be returned to you.
Mississippi 2159035 Sale of Checks/Sale of Checks Act Department of Banking and Consumer Finance
Missouri MO-25-9200 Sale of Checks/Sale of Checks Law Division of Finance
Nebraska NMLS 2159035 Sale of Checks and Funds Transmission/Sale of Checks and Funds Transmission Act Department of Banking and Finance
Nevada MT11193 Money Transmitter/Issuers of Instruments for the Transmission or Payment of Money Act Department of Business and Industry, Financial Institutions Division
New Hampshire 24899-MT Money Transmitter/Money Transmitter Law Banking Department
New Jersey 2205423 Money Transmission/New Jersey Money Transmitters Act Department of Banking and Insurance, Licensing Services Bureau--Banking
New Mexico NMLS 2159035 Money Transmission/Uniform Money Services Act Regulation & Licensing Department
North Carolina 207583 Money Transmitter/Money Transmitters Act Commissioner of Banks
North Dakota MT103954 Money Transmitter/Money Transmitters Law Department of Financial Institutions
Ohio OHMT 227 Money Transmitter/Money Transmitters Law Department of Commerce, Division of Financial Institutions
Oklahoma NMLS 2159035 Money Transmission/Oklahoma Financial Transaction Reporting Act Banking Department
Oregon NMLS 2159035 Money Transmission/Oregon Money Transmitters Act Department of Commerce, Securities and Banking, Division of Finance and Corporate Securities
Pennsylvania 104235 Money Transmitter/Licensing Business of Transmitting Money or Credit Act Department of Banking, Licensing Division
Puerto Rico TM-159 Monetary Transfers/Law to Regulate the Business of Monetary Transfers Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions
Rhode Island 20224343CT Rhode Island Currency Transmitter Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation
South Carolina NMLS 2159035 Money Transmitter/Anti-Money Laundering Act Attorney General - Money Services Division
South Dakota 2159035.MT Money Transmitter/South Dakota Money Transmitter Act Department of Revenue and Regulation, Division of Banking
Tennessee NMLS 2159035 Money Transmitter/Tennessee Money Transmitter Act of 1994 Department of Financial Institutions
Texas 3533 Money Services Business License/Money Services Act Department of Banking
If you have a complaint, first contact the compliance team at

If you still have an unresolved complaint regarding the company's money transmission, or currency exchange activity, please direct your complaint to: Texas Department of Banking, 2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78705, 1-877-276-5554 (toll-free),
Utah 211 Third Party Payment Provider/Check Cashing and Deferred Deposit Lending Registration Act Department of Financial Institutions
Vermont MT-2159035 Money Transmission/Money Services Act Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities and Health Care Administration, Banking Division
Washington 550-MT-137398 Money Transmission (includes currency exchange)/Uniform Money Services Act Department of Financial Institutions
West Virginia WVMT-2159035 Issuance and Sale of Checks, Drafts, Money Orders or Other Instruments for the Transmission or Payment of Money/Check and Money Order Sales, Money Transmission Services, Transportation and Currency Exchange Law Division of Banking
Wyoming 7303 Money Transmitter/Wyoming Money Transmitters Act Department of Audit, Division of Banking

If you have a complaint regarding money transmission services, please contact us and explain the issue. Our goal is to provide our customers with excellent service. Our preference for contact is at our dedicated compliance team’s email box,, but we can also be reached at {1-800 number}** from the hours of {call center hours}**.

*Inmar Services, LLC has applied for money transmitter licenses in multiple jurisdictions. Currently, it does not offer any licensed products.

**Toll-free number & call center hours will be updated prior to product launch.

Mailing Address:
Inmar Services, LLC
One West Fourth Street,
Suite 500
Winston-Salem, NC, 27101